Call or text to book an appointment! Links on this page are for online payments for convenience.
Payments accepted: Cash, Venmo, Zelle.
Credit Cards: There will be a small fee added to credit cards of 2.7 to 3 percent depending on the amount & processing.
24-hour cancellation policy – If you cancel Inside 24 hours I will retain your full payment. This honors both our time and intention to complete a restorative goal & required for success of your desired outcome.
Spiritual | Medical Healing
In Person Or Zoom
Energy Healing $150 per 45 min.
Energy healing can combo with any session.
Medical Massage | Bodywork
Medical | Sports Massage $150 per 60 min.
Combo Medical Massage & Energy Healing $225 per 60 Min.
90 min sessions are available upon request $200.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Hyberbaric Dive $75 per 60 min.
Combo Laser Photo Therapy To Your Dive $150 per 60 min.
Note: Rental – I will bring the Hyperbaric Chamber to your home and train you. Unlimited Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy until you notice the difference in your condition. Price discounts for multiple dive sessions or multiple weeks for your rental. Reach out for more information.
Infra Red Laser
Infra Red Laser Photo Therapy Treatment $75 Per 30 min. varies*
The time ranges significantly depending on the condition(s) treated. It is best to reach out before payment.